Have you ever had the feeling that your best accomplishments just aren’t being noticed? I bet we all have been there. Last year in September I decided to change that. Many of my colleagues who know me as a violinist were surprised to learn that I also compose and conduct. Gnawing at me was the realization that I have so many viable compositions that musicians might love to perform but haven't yet discovered. I resolved that before I embark on another major work I must find a way to make my music more easily available. So, to break my isolation, I signed up with wix.com and began to create a new website; carybelling.com. My goal is to increase the possibilities for collaboration with musicians worldwide.
With the currently raging pandemic, its ever more important that we musicians maintain our connection to each other and with the wider music community. Without a doubt, we all look forward to the day when musicians and audiences can again freely perform and congregate. Now, more than ever, the hunger for live music is voracious. But in the mean time I choose to focus on practicing, composing, and publishing my compositions directly from my website carybelling.com or through lulu.com.
At carybelling.com you can get information about my compositions as well as my activities as a composer, conductor, and violinist. On the website under the Compositions drop down menu, you can search and sort through a listing of all my pieces by title, instrument, ensemble, or duration. Under the Publications drop down menu you will find my pieces categorized by instrument or ensemble with links on how and where it’s available. I still have many more pieces to add to the publications listings so please feel free to contact me if there is instrumentation or type of piece you are looking for and haven’t found.
My blog will keep you updated on new compositions as they become available, musical activities I am excited about, and musical ideas that I’d like to share and discuss. So far I have two topic categories, one about my current musical projects and activities called “Whats Happening”, and another specifically about the composing process entitled the “The Composer’s Muse”. I welcome your thoughts and comments on my posts.
I wish all my readers a very wonderfully productive 2021!
Cary Belling